Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category:

Colour Up, Without Fear!

A colour makeover to any space, home or office brings in a huge transformation accompanied by a sense of happiness and excitement. But painting your space is also that one task which most of us dust off under the carpet for an obvious list of reasons. The two most annoying factors that work as the devil’s advocate against the painting job are the after smell that the paint leaves and the stains it leaves on the floor and skirting! Below are two easy hacks that can help you get colour back into your space!

Get rid of the after smell:

All you need is a bucket of water and 1/5 kg of cut onions. Yes, onions! After the painting is done, place the bucket of water and add the onions to it. Leave it overnight. The onions will absorb most of the toxic fumes and suffocating smell and avoid the paint hangover!

Protect your floors:

As they say, its best to start early, before you start the paint job, you will need Nilkamal BubbleGUARD’s floor protecting solution FloorGUARD, a simple cutter and some tape. Just lay FloorGUARD on the floor Measure and cut to required size and seal the joints with tape. You can also protect the skirting by easily bending and taping the FloorGUARD. It’s that simple! Nilkamal FloorGUARD is a polyproplyne board which liquid proof and shields the floor from all the stains from the paint and also the debris that may tend to damage the floor during renovation.

Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category:

Colour Up, Without Fear!

There is more to a personality than your physical self. The space you live in speaks volumes of who you are. Every little detail has a story to tell and you go every extra mile to take care of the minutest details.

Wood is often the material of choice for home décor and why not! Wood is classic and modern at the same time as it is the most traditional yet flexible building material. Right from doors, windows to chairs, cabinets and even artifacts, wood completes your exemplary décor.

Let us look at a quick, easy way to keep your favorite wooden décor free from the dreadful Mildew. While Mildew is easily treated with a store bought cleaner and a scrubbing brush. Mold, on the other hand, can be black or green and is often the result of a much larger infestation, we don’t want to get to that point.

Get rid of the mildew

  • You need 2 buckets of water, gentle detergent, 2 pieces of cleaning cloth, a good gentle wax removing furniture cleaner, paste wax and a pair of rubber gloves
  • Mix the gentle detergent in one bucket of water. Dip the cleaning cloth in the detergent mixture and squeeze all the excess water leaving the cloth barely moist with the mixture. Remember, moisture cause mildew and aggravates to Mold.
  • Dipping the clean cloth in the mixture and rub it against the stain. Remember to be gentle!
  • Once the section is clean, use the other cleaning cloth dipped in the other bucket of clean water to remove the mildew and excess detergent solution. Pat the surface dry
  • Apply furniture cleaner to remove the layers of wax if you notice white patches after cleaning
  • Lastly, apply a thin layer of paste wax. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

You definitely care enough for your collection of the exquisite wooden pieces that you surely believe in the cliché “prevention is better than cure.”

Nilkamal BubbleGUARD presents a ground-breaking WoodGUARD, a wood protection board with a unique circular honeycomb structure sandwiched between two flat polypropylene layers, resulting in tough and durable and 100% water and termite proof panels which are designed to completely shield your wooden décor from moisture that comes off the wall.. An added advantage, it is bacteria proof and termite resistant.

The icing on the cake is that WoodGUARD is very easy to use – just cut, apply and say good bye to all your nightmares of moldy furniture and spreading termite infections. Learn how to apply, click here

Easy recipe to keep it clean

  • Over time, the outer surface of furniture tends to gets deposits of dirt and grease. All you need is lemon juice and olive oil along with 2pieces of cleaning cloth and an old tooth brush.
  • Mix one part olive oil and one part lemon juice in a bowl and work on the stains using the cleaning cloth. For corners and the more intricate designs, you could choose to use the tooth brush. Again, remember to be gentle!
  • After you successfully remove the dirt, take the other piece of clean cloth and remove the excess cleaning mixture and pat the surface dry.

Regular cleaning of the outer surface and a strong protection with WoodGUARD will ensure your favorite furniture ages like your favorite wine, gets better with age!

Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category:

Colour Up, Without Fear!

The smell of fresh paint and the shine of new furniture instills our senses, and when we walk into that new space we instantly call it our home! Home to us is an emotion, it talks about who we are than what we do. Painted walls, lit chandeliers, upholstered windows are all still incomplete without a floor that matches it all, because floors complement décor.

Here are 5 flooring ideas that could help you create that lasting first impression:

  • 1. Large format Ceramic tiles: Create abstract patterns, mimic marble flooring or keep it classy, Ceramic tiles will hold its own when it comes to floor fashion. Tile flooring is strong, stain-free, scratch resistant, bacteria free, fire proof, anti-slip and easy to wash. It’s not high-maintenance as it does not require any polishing; has a long life and provides various combinations in terms of designs, colours and finishes.
  • 2. Epoxy flooring: Go bold with colours and keep the décor mute to create a contrasting style statement with your floor. Epoxy flooring has many advantages as it is anti-slip, durable, and easy to maintain.
  • 3. Terrazzo flooring: Bring back the old-world charm with Terrazzo. Patterned floors have laid its strong foundation, and this trend is here to stay. It lends a whole lot of possibilities to your décor, while adding the colour and style quotient.
  • 4. Wooden flooring: for the true warm Indian at heart wooden flooring creates the perfect warm ambience. It is noise less and provides good insulation to room. This flooring is perfect for summers as well as winters as it nighter heats up during summer nor does it get icy cold during winters and the occupants can use the room bare footed. Wooden flooring is best suited for dry areas with lower rainfall trends.
  • 5. Vinyl tiles: if choice is what you wish for, vinyl tiles are a perfect match. They are flexible and easy to handle and lay. They come in many colors and designs. It is ideal for maintaining clean room condition. These floors are unbreakable and flexible PVC vinyl flooring with properties of high wear resistance and resilience.

You may choose to go for the above five or stick to the classic Italian marble, whatever be your choice, your floor is your panache and they need to be protected not just after you move in but also before you do!

Your dear flooring needs to withstand a lot before you call it your own! In the chronology of events, when your dream home is being done, the flooring work is completed before most other décor chores like plastering and painting walls, false ceiling, light fixing and even bathroom fixtures.

Traditionally, a layer of POP with water is laid on top of the floor to avoid damage like scratches. But POP is no foolproof solution. Your floor needs more; it needs Nilkamal BubbleGUARD’s floor protection revolution – FloorGUARD. FloorGUARD is a floor protection boards with a unique circular honeycomb structure sandwiched between two flat polypropylene layers, resulting in tough and durable yet lightweight panels which can completely protect your floors from impact as well as liquid damage. So say no to fear of cracked floors and paint stains. FloorGUARD is an affordable solution which protects your valuable flooring with ease as this board can be re-used multiple times and requires no special labour.

To top it all Nilkamal FloorGUARD is fast & easy to install and remove, it keeps you site clean, avoids water wastage and does not leave any debris. So your site is ready to get ready in no time.

Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category:

Colour Up, Without Fear!

Be it a bar of soap or box or an expensive line of apparel all you need is a advertising sign board!

Signage of every kind, outdoor or indoor, name boards or even direction signs hold an important role in creating the perfect brand experience by aiding the customer’s purchase, right from identifying the perfect brand to figuring out its price and other information to finding where and how to pay.

In this article, we will talk about the top 3 must have signage with some expert tips to make sure your brand breaks the clutter with Nilkamal PrintGUARD – the revolutionary boards for the graphic and signage industry.

  • 1. Window display:
    Window display is a key to retail sales, especially your peak seasons like festivals and discount seasons.
    Tip: Ensure you use brighter and unconventional colours. Nilkamal PrintGUARD allows you options to laminate with vinyl or paper, screen print and also a direct UV print and helps you up your branding game.
  • 2. Danglers:
    Danglers are a sure-shot way to grab the attention of walk-in customers to your latest offers or best product features or the latest product variant you launched.
    Tip: Opt for a precise copy, unusual shapes but keep the size optimal the perfect dangler to suit your brand. Nilkamal PrintGUARD is easy to cut & crease and allows you to create the perfect shape for your design.
  • 3. Point of sale display:
    In-shop display or point of sale display is eye catchy and is a great idea to creatively grab attention of customers to your product.
    Tip: Go as creative as possible with the structure of these and create a selfie worthy design so your customer not only wants to try the product but will also remember it for the next purchase. Nilkamal PrintGUARD can be easily cut, creased, thermoformed, heat welded and ultrasonic welded to give you that jaw dropping POS.